Friday 30 July 2010

More on panning for gold

Ideas can be tricky. Some of them burn out quickly whilst others will develop beyond imagination. Where do they come from? How do you know when you’ve happened upon an idea that will not only sustain excitement in its creator, but inspire others to be part of it and provide the world with something magical? Not necessarily something entirely new, but something so essential or so captivating that we won’t know how we did without it.

In a discussion about innovation, Becky, Karen and I rested upon the topic of ideas. Trying to get to the bottom of them, we talked about ‘light-bulb’ moments, about the need for focus. As we sat in a classroom in Hardwick, quietly waiting for an idea about ideas (no pressure), the image of an exploring child, sifting pebbles and earth came to us and we moved toward the metaphor of panning for gold.

We are subject to a constant flow of thoughts, dreams, information and moments of inspiration – our own and other people’s. We obsess about some of it and ignore other, less attractive details, but it’s not ‘til we go through the silt and the gravel of these that we get the precious, genuinely sparkling idea we’re after.

From time to time we might get lucky, but gold panning is a craft that might reveal the idea we’ve been waiting for.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Young people in their society, their environment and their business

Are we developing Young entrepreneurs?

the thinkUP forum continued on the 15th July to explore the business focus of the unit using the images and our shared definitions as a starting point.

How do young people imagine and realise the possibilities for action in their society, in their environment and in their business?

We discussed the power of telling Stories to unlock NEW IDEAS. Telling stories of their world in different places and spaces to help young people, TMC and our partners understand a child’s eye view of the world.

Young people making their mark on the world, using innovation and creativity, identifying new ways of working and leading challenging action in their lives.

  • Footprints (collective action regionally)

  • Handprints (collaborative action locally)

  • Fingerprints (individual action)

TMC will seek to design an offer where by which we will seek to invest in Young People through providing the space, time, resources, people, and skills to unlock new ideas and grow young entrepreneurs.


thinkUP Forum 15 July 2010

How do we begin to define innovation, enterprise and skills?

The thinkUP team discussion explored in detail the answer to this question as a means to begin to scope the business focus of our offer. We captured below a summary of the thoughts we explored and refined during the session.

What do you think?...

WE think innovation is...
• Imagining the possibilities..
• Enabling young people to take new directions...
• Innovation at the heart of TMC to feed Innovation from TMC ...
• Spaces and places for telling stories that nurture new ideas
• Panning for gold, looking for the TMC sparkle
TMC and young people in Wonderland - A place for creating the conditions for innovation at the heart of The Mighty Creatives. A space for using stories that exist to capture the journey and ideas towards new business.

WE think enterprise is...

  • the art of business
  • making money
  • taking action
  • realising ideas that are new

Origins - Derives from the old French word meaning meaning business

Quote: "Dérivé de entreprendre, daté de environ 1430-40 dans le sens de prendre entre ses mains. Aux environs de 1480 il prit le concept actuel de prendre un risque, relever un défi, oser un objectif".
Translated - meaning ‘to undertake’ from around 1430 – 40 in the sense of ‘to take between the hands.’ Around 1480, the concept took on its current meaning, which is ‘to take a risk, raise the stakes, dare to have an idea.’


  • investing in labour and the craft
  • growing the skills and tools for business

Is enterprise the journey, the pathway, the (ad)venture to creating business that leads to action and change?

The three pillars of enterprise:
• People (Social)
• Planet (Environmental)
• Profit (Economical)

Is it the art of business?

Young entrepreneurs having an idea to meet a need and take challenging action in the real world...

thinkUP is launched

12.30pm Thursday 15 July 2010, thinkUP team arrives at Hardwick Park Centre in Derbyshire, the setting for the launch and first meeting of the thinkUP forum.

What is the thinkUP forum?

thinkUP is a small forum of core staff from The Mighty Creatives charged with the task of growing the work of the Innovation unit and driven by BIG ideas for innovation at the heart of The Mighty Creatives.

The thinkUP forum is led by myself, and supported during phase one of the process, by Programme Managers Karen Efford and Sarah Bailey.

With no set agenda and a picnic, we created the space and time to begin the journey... a journey that we have agreed to share with you and invite your reflections and input into our work.

As a forum we agreed that this blog would be the point of communication and engagement of the wider staff team at TMC, young people, our partners and stakeholders to work towards the creation of a PLAN for the future business offer of this unit.

So we invite you to sign up and join in "Imagine the possibilities with us"...

Becky, Karen and Sarah
The thinkUP Team

Innovation through telling stories- sharing BIG IDEAS

"it's only stories that gather the world up in unexpected ways" (Tim Parks)

Innovation at the heart of The Mighty Creatives - what is it and what does it mean?

Young people day dreaming in the real world?

Drafting ideas - 22 July 2010

Innovation - expanding their imagination for Life!

Innovation at the heart of TMC, innovation at the heart of young people and their lives...

  • TOGETHER WE TELL STORIES (Young people and adults)

  • UNDERSTAND our world

  • PLAY and imagine the possibilities







i-think - schedule of development

i-think is the platform and working title of the new Innovation unit plan at The Mighty Creatives.

What are we doing and when?

Phase 1 - DESIGN (drafting the plan)

Phase 2 - DEVELOPMENT (refining and testing the plan)

Phase 3 - DELIVERY (launching the plan)

The Living Business Plan is planned to launch in January 2011
If you would like to see more detail click here and access the information via the TMC Website INFOBANK - Innovation

We look forward to you sharing what you think along the journey!
Watch this blog for news on the first thinkUP forum meeting....

Friday 16 July 2010


This blog will document the journey of TMC's new business model - Innovation.

It'll be a tool to create a dialogue between young people, our stakeholders and partners and TMC staff.

They'll be journal entries, videos, photos, conversations and most of all YOUR input.