Thursday 22 July 2010

thinkUP is launched

12.30pm Thursday 15 July 2010, thinkUP team arrives at Hardwick Park Centre in Derbyshire, the setting for the launch and first meeting of the thinkUP forum.

What is the thinkUP forum?

thinkUP is a small forum of core staff from The Mighty Creatives charged with the task of growing the work of the Innovation unit and driven by BIG ideas for innovation at the heart of The Mighty Creatives.

The thinkUP forum is led by myself, and supported during phase one of the process, by Programme Managers Karen Efford and Sarah Bailey.

With no set agenda and a picnic, we created the space and time to begin the journey... a journey that we have agreed to share with you and invite your reflections and input into our work.

As a forum we agreed that this blog would be the point of communication and engagement of the wider staff team at TMC, young people, our partners and stakeholders to work towards the creation of a PLAN for the future business offer of this unit.

So we invite you to sign up and join in "Imagine the possibilities with us"...

Becky, Karen and Sarah
The thinkUP Team

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