Friday 20 August 2010

Innovation at TMC is a springboard...

...for young people to support economic recovery in their world....a space to play and venture to develop skills ... a rehearsal for the real world...a place to work on ideas to take action....

We want to work with young people so they are in a position to say...

“ I can get a job and start in my business...if I need further nourishment, I can go back and discover my skills with The Mighty Creatives.”

To help us get it right, we would love to hear from you in a few words, a story or an image that tells us.......

Where do you want to be in 2020?
How could TMC help you get there?
Who does TMC need to work with?
What skills do young people need to get where they want to be?

1 comment:

  1. I've been coming back to this post all day trying to come up with a really snappy answer to the question : "where do you want to be in 2020?"

    I hope to see a world with less environmental problems, a world with even more techno gadgets but most of all a world where creative thinking is the norm and not an add-on.

    But amongst all of that, where do I want to be?...

    Can I tell you in ten years?
