Sunday 1 August 2010

"it's black and white"...

A conversation with Pat Moores

With a background in business and the experience of working with schools developing and leading business and enterprise at the heart of education, Pat contacted The Mighty Creatives and myself to share her thoughts on the new business proposal for the unit.

We met in Northamptonshire on Friday 16 July to grab a precious hour and a coffee to share and exchange thoughts on the potential of business and enterprise work with young people in the East Midlands.

We discussed:

What is needed from adults to ensure an offer like this can thrive?
• Investment
• Commitment
• Leadership
• Collaboration
• Time
• Clarity of vision
• Community engagement
“In order for business and enterprise to work in schools particularly it must be woven throughout the fabric of the organisation. It is that simple – it’s black and white” (Pat Moores)

Where should the focus of enterprise be?
• Material wellbeing
• Job creation

“it’s about getting to what really makes a difference to young people – to the community, a real physical difference.”

Pat shared three things for consideration in building the plan:
• Business partners (real world connections)
• Learning (the skills)
• Accreditation (qualifications)

Positioning The Mighty Creatives at the heart of this work, as a bridge between business, education and qualifications.

Young people have the ideas...the key is who is listening? who is supporting? what’s changing? who is taking action on this?

What we need to understand to develop this approach?

• Who are the employers?
• What do business get?
• What do they offer young people?
• Are we supporting “young people into the framework of working?...”

What do employers say that they don’t get? Young people leaving school with life skills, communication, literacy...

We need to nurture an offer and support young people and their communities to “just do it!”

My sincere thanks to Pat for her time and inspiration during this conversation! We are now planning to take this conversation forward with a research bursary for Pat to scope the potential of this work for The Mighty Creatives...

1 comment:

  1. As we go forward, I'm really inspired to be part of a conversation between young people and the different industries in the region.

    What's the best way to facilitate that conversation?

    What does everyone need?

    Where's the common ground?
